The true winemaker business forerunner was D. Santiago José de Terry y Buset, a man strongly committed to the liberal movement of the Courts of Cadiz, proclaimed Distinguished Son and Patrician of the City.

He is succeeded by his son Fernando A. de Terry as head of the business, who acquired a winery in 1865 and began to elaborate his own wines in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz, Spain). He quickly finds his niche in the industry as a merchant, producer, and warehouse owner. However, it is to be Fernando M. de Terry, the third generation in charge of the business, who officially founds the winery that his father had acquired, improved and expanded.

The Terry 1900 Solera is established, our Solera Reserva brandy that we continue to enjoy today.

Fernando de Terry’s wife, inspired by the fisherwomen of El Puerto de Santa María, weaves a yellow mesh and covers one of the Brandy bottles with it. The idea succeeds and the bottles of Brandy began to be covered with this handcrafted silk net. It not only has a profound impact on the brand, but also brings about a substantial improvement of the city’s economy.

An important event takes place, marking a turning point in the history of the family. They acquire the famous Carthusian horse herd Hierro del Bocado, which will become from that moment until now the essence and soul of Terry’s image, along with its characteristic mesh.

Terry markets several Brandy and Sherry brands, including Terry Centenario, which is established as one of the best-known brandies in our country.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the iconic mesh that accompanies our bottles.

The Terry 1900’s image is updated, modernized and adapted to current tastes.

Terry continues to enjoy renowned prestige, within and beyond our borders, positioning itself as one of the most important spirits and the perfect ally for coffee.